Details From BIKF - Keflavik
Flight Number -
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Stats Distance 1,581 nm / 2,927 km
Max Altitude 34,000 ft / 10,363 m
Waypoints 26
Social Downloads 1
Likes 0


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Basic altitude profile: - Ascent Rate: 2500ft/min - Ascent Speed: 250kts - Cruise Altitude: 35000ft - Cruise Speed: 420kts - Descent Rate: 1500ft/min - Descent Speed: 250kts Options: - Use NATs: yes - Use PACOTS: yes - Use low airways: yes - Use high airways: yes


BIKF 6300N02500W 6200N02500W 6100N02500W 6000N02500W 5900N02500W 5800N02500W 5700N02500W 5600N02500W 5500N02500W 5400N02500W 5300N02500W 5200N02500W 5100N02500W 5000N02500W 4900N02500W 4800N02500W 4700N02500W 4600N02500W 4500N02500W 4400N02500W 4300N02500W 4200N02500W 4100N02500W ANAVA LPLA

ID Type Via Altitude (ft/m) Position (lat/lon) Dist (leg/tot) Name
O BIKF APT - 0 / 0 63.98161 / -22.61456 - / 0 nm Keflavik
6300N02500W LATLON - 30,000 / 9,144 63.00000 / -25.00000 86 / 86 nm
6200N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 62.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 147 nm
6100N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 61.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 207 nm
6000N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 60.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 267 nm
5900N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 59.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 327 nm
5800N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 58.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 387 nm
5700N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 57.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 447 nm
5600N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 56.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 507 nm
5500N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 55.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 567 nm
5400N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 54.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 627 nm
5300N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 53.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 687 nm
5200N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 52.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 747 nm
5100N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 51.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 807 nm
5000N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 50.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 867 nm
4900N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 49.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 927 nm
4800N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 48.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 987 nm
4700N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 47.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 1047 nm
4600N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 46.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 1107 nm
4500N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 45.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 1167 nm
4400N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 44.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 1228 nm
4300N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 43.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 1288 nm
4200N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 42.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 1348 nm
4100N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 41.00000 / -25.00000 60 / 1408 nm
ANAVA FIX - 22,200 / 6,767 39.89944 / -25.40889 68 / 1476 nm
O LPLA APT - 0 / 0 38.76441 / -27.09348 103 / 1580 nm LAJES

Altitude Profile

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0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35+ Temperature / °C

Clouds and Precipitation

Ground ~20,000 ft ~40,000 ft Winds