Details From HECA - Cairo Intl
To HSSS - Khartoum
Flight Number -
Tags Routegen Generated
Stats Distance 875 nm / 1,620 km
Max Altitude 33,000 ft / 10,058 m
Waypoints 10
Social Downloads 12
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Departing runway 22 HECA. Arriving runway 17 HSSS. Advanced Generation Settings: Turn accuracy: 45 Altitude: 33000ft Smoothed angles: True Runway changes allowed: True Calculation order: Arrival --> Departure --> Intermediates Multipass intermediates: True


HECA +30.05_+031.34 +29.98_+031.33 +27.71_+031.54 +25.44_+031.75 +23.17_+031.94 +20.90_+032.13 +18.64_+032.32 +15.68_+032.55 HSSS

ID Type Via Altitude (ft/m) Position (lat/lon) Dist (leg/tot) Name
O HECA APT - 0 / 0 30.09969 / 31.39823 - / 0 nm
+30.05_+031.34 LATLON - 140 / 43 30.05224 / 31.33509 4 / 4 nm
+29.98_+031.33 LATLON - 33,000 / 10,058 29.98006 / 31.32919 4 / 8 nm
+27.71_+031.54 LATLON - 33,000 / 10,058 27.71096 / 31.54141 136 / 145 nm
+25.44_+031.75 LATLON - 33,000 / 10,058 25.44243 / 31.74586 136 / 282 nm
+23.17_+031.94 LATLON - 33,000 / 10,058 23.17362 / 31.94275 136 / 418 nm
+20.90_+032.13 LATLON - 33,000 / 10,058 20.90458 / 32.13308 136 / 555 nm
+18.64_+032.32 LATLON - 33,000 / 10,058 18.63534 / 32.31773 136 / 692 nm
+15.68_+032.55 LATLON - 140 / 43 15.67532 / 32.55235 178 / 870 nm
O HSSS APT - 0 / 0 15.60296 / 32.55303 4 / 874 nm

Altitude Profile

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0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35+ Temperature / °C

Clouds and Precipitation

Ground ~20,000 ft ~40,000 ft Winds