Details From UAAA - Almaty Intl
To UASU - Urzhar
Flight Number -
Tags generated
Stats Distance 298 nm / 552 km
Max Altitude 35,000 ft / 10,668 m
Waypoints 4
Social Downloads 0
Likes 0


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Basic altitude profile: - Ascent Rate: 2500ft/min - Ascent Speed: 250kts - Cruise Altitude: 35000ft - Cruise Speed: 420kts - Descent Rate: 1500ft/min - Descent Speed: 250kts Options: - Use NATs: no - Use PACOTS: no - Use low airways: no - Use high airways: no


UAAA 4400N07800E 4500N07900E UASU

ID Type Via Altitude (ft/m) Position (lat/lon) Dist (leg/tot) Name
O UAAA APT - 0 / 0 43.35550 / 77.04400 - / 0 nm Almaty Intl
4400N07800E LATLON - 20,200 / 6,157 44.00000 / 78.00000 56 / 56 nm
4500N07900E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 45.00000 / 79.00000 73 / 130 nm
O UASU APT - 0 / 0 47.09110 / 81.66510 167 / 298 nm Urzhar

Altitude Profile

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0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35+ Temperature / °C

Clouds and Precipitation
Forecast for 2024-12-04 06:00 UTC. Updated 3 hours ago

Ground ~20,000 ft ~40,000 ft Winds


Name Almaty Intl
Region Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
Timezone Asia/Almaty (UTC+6.0)
Stats Elevation 2,238 ft / 682 m (AMSL)
Location 43.355500° 77.044000°
Runways 2
Magnetic Variation 5.477° E


UAAA 040630Z 34003MPS 300V360 4200 BR SCT010 BKN017 BKN100 01/M01 Q1029 NOSIG



TAF UAAA 040505Z 0406/0506 34002MPS 9999 SCT011 BKN100 TX05/0408Z TNM04/0502Z TEMPO 0406/0412 04002G07MPS 5000 BR FU SCT006 BKN011CB FM041200 22002MPS 3100 BR FU BKN011 OVC100 TEMPO 0412/0416 28002MPS 1200 TEMPO 0416/0504 VRB01MPS 0300 FZFG VV002


Departure Runways

ID Width Length Bearing (true/mag) Surface Threshold Overrun Markings Lighting
05L 148 ft / 45 m 14,768 ft / 4,501 m 55.71° / 50.23° CONCRETE 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m PREC-APP CENTERLINE EDGE THRESHOLD ALSF-II TDZ REIL-OMNI
05R 148 ft / 45 m 14,409 ft / 4,392 m 55.69° / 50.22° ASPHALT 0 ft / 0 m 246 ft / 75 m PREC-APP CENTERLINE EDGE THRESHOLD ALSF-II TDZ REIL-OMNI
23L 148 ft / 45 m 14,409 ft / 4,392 m 235.72° / 230.25° ASPHALT 0 ft / 0 m 246 ft / 75 m PREC-APP CENTERLINE EDGE THRESHOLD ALSF-II TDZ REIL-OMNI
23R 148 ft / 45 m 14,768 ft / 4,501 m 235.74° / 230.26° CONCRETE 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m PREC-APP CENTERLINE EDGE THRESHOLD ALSF-II TDZ REIL-OMNI


Name Urzhar
Region Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
Timezone Asia/Almaty (UTC+6.0)
Stats Elevation 1,683 ft / 513 m (AMSL)
Location 47.091100° 81.665100°
Runways 1
Magnetic Variation 5.752° E


Not found


Not found

Destination Runways

ID Width Length Bearing (true/mag) Surface Threshold Overrun Markings Lighting
07 108 ft / 33 m 4,881 ft / 1,488 m 71.79° / 66.03° ASPHALT 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m APP EDGE THRESHOLD
25 108 ft / 33 m 4,881 ft / 1,488 m 251.80° / 246.05° ASPHALT 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m APP EDGE THRESHOLD

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