Details From MMUN - Cancun International
To KPFN - Panama City Bay Co Intl
Flight Number -
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Stats Distance 578 nm / 1,071 km
Max Altitude 35,000 ft / 10,668 m
Waypoints 9
Social Downloads 16
Likes 0


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Basic altitude profile: - Ascent Rate: 2500ft/min - Ascent Speed: 250kts - Cruise Altitude: 35000ft - Cruise Speed: 420kts - Descent Rate: 1500ft/min - Descent Speed: 250kts Options: - Use NATs: yes - Use PACOTS: yes - Use low airways: yes - Use high airways: yes


MMUN ROBIN UB881 MYDIA B881 CIGAR 2800N08500W 2900N08500W KPFN

ID Type Via Altitude (ft/m) Position (lat/lon) Dist (leg/tot) Name
O MMUN APT - 0 / 0 21.04229 / -86.87333 - / 0 nm Cancun International
ROBIN FIX - 29,100 / 8,870 22.40041 / -86.48307 84 / 84 nm
MYDIA FIX UB881 (AWY-HI) 35,000 / 10,668 24.04056 / -86.15806 100 / 184 nm
EPSON FIX B881 (AWY-HI) 35,000 / 10,668 26.03058 / -85.37956 126 / 311 nm
CULLY FIX B881 (AWY-HI) 35,000 / 10,668 26.38272 / -85.23749 22 / 333 nm
CIGAR FIX B881 (AWY-HI) 35,000 / 10,668 27.49350 / -84.78320 71 / 404 nm
2800N08500W LATLON - 30,200 / 9,205 28.00000 / -85.00000 32 / 437 nm
2900N08500W LATLON - 17,300 / 5,273 29.00000 / -85.00000 60 / 497 nm
O KPFN APT - 0 / 0 30.21197 / -85.68287 81 / 578 nm Panama City Bay Co Intl

Altitude Profile

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0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35+ Temperature / °C

Clouds and Precipitation

Ground ~20,000 ft ~40,000 ft Winds