To CYEG - Edmonton Intl
Flight Number -
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Stats Distance 2,395 nm / 4,435 km
Max Altitude 36,000 ft / 10,973 m
Waypoints 27
Social Downloads 2
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Basic altitude profile: - Ascent Rate: 2500ft/min - Ascent Speed: 250kts - Cruise Altitude: 36000ft - Cruise Speed: 420kts - Descent Rate: 1500ft/min - Descent Speed: 250kts Options: - Use NATs: yes - Use PACOTS: yes - Use low airways: yes - Use high airways: yes


CYYT YQX QX BR21 YR R29 UM RR23 YFM RR12 GL YGL DUSMA 5400N0-8300W 5400N0-8400W 5400N0-8500W 5400N0-8600W 5400N0-8700W 5400N0-8800W 5400N0-8900W YTL AR19 YIV BR5 YNE R10 QD B23 QW R6 VG CYEG

ID Type Via Altitude (ft/m) Position (lat/lon) Dist (leg/tot) Name
O CYYT APT - 0 / 0 47.62050 / -52.74520 - / 0 nm ST JOHNS INTL
YQX VOR - 36,000 / 10,973 48.89960 / -54.53500 104 / 104 nm GANDER
QX NDB - 36,000 / 10,973 48.96440 / -54.67020 6 / 111 nm GANDER
BX NDB BR21 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 51.42130 / -57.20290 176 / 288 nm BLANC-SABLON
YR NDB BR21 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 53.33780 / -60.36580 163 / 451 nm GOOSE GOOSE BAY
UM NDB R29 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 53.59060 / -64.23560 139 / 590 nm CHURCHILL FALLS
KR NDB RR23 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 54.79930 / -66.80360 115 / 706 nm SQUAW SHEFFERVILLE
YFM NDB RR23 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 53.71130 / -73.70300 250 / 957 nm LA GRANDE-4
9H NDB RR12 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 53.57390 / -76.20050 89 / 1046 nm LA GRANDE 3
GL NDB RR12 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 53.63040 / -77.70410 53 / 1100 nm LA GRANDE RIVIERE
YGL VOR - 36,000 / 10,973 53.62550 / -77.71620 0 / 1100 nm LA GRANDE RIVIERE
DUSMA FIX - 36,000 / 10,973 53.70000 / -80.00000 81 / 1182 nm
5400N0-8300W LATLON - 36,000 / 10,973 54.00000 / -83.00000 107 / 1289 nm
5400N0-8400W LATLON - 36,000 / 10,973 54.00000 / -84.00000 35 / 1325 nm
5400N0-8500W LATLON - 36,000 / 10,973 54.00000 / -85.00000 35 / 1360 nm
5400N0-8600W LATLON - 36,000 / 10,973 54.00000 / -86.00000 35 / 1395 nm
5400N0-8700W LATLON - 36,000 / 10,973 54.00000 / -87.00000 35 / 1431 nm
5400N0-8800W LATLON - 36,000 / 10,973 54.00000 / -88.00000 35 / 1466 nm
5400N0-8900W LATLON - 36,000 / 10,973 54.00000 / -89.00000 35 / 1501 nm
YTL NDB - 36,000 / 10,973 53.81580 / -89.91290 34 / 1535 nm BIG TROUT LAKE
YIV NDB AR19 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 53.85390 / -94.65340 167 / 1703 nm ISLAND LAKE
YNE NDB BR5 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 53.97230 / -97.84020 112 / 1816 nm NORWAY HOUSE
QD NDB R10 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 53.97850 / -101.08100 114 / 1931 nm THE PAS
PA NDB B23 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 53.21810 / -105.79500 174 / 2105 nm PRINCE ALBERT
QW NDB B23 (AWY-LO) 36,000 / 10,973 52.80370 / -108.33500 95 / 2200 nm NORTH BATTLEFORD
VG NDB R6 (AWY-LO) 21,400 / 6,523 53.33800 / -110.79700 94 / 2294 nm VERMILION
O CYEG APT - 0 / 0 53.30870 / -113.58100 99 / 2394 nm Edmonton Intl

Altitude Profile

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0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35+ Temperature / °C

Clouds and Precipitation

Ground ~20,000 ft ~40,000 ft Winds