Name Karaganda
Region Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
Timezone Asia/Almaty (UTC+6.0)
Plans Departing 226
Arriving 242
Stats Elevation 1,767 ft / 539 m (AMSL)
Location 49.671900° 73.335600°
Runways 1
Magnetic Variation 9.028° E
Sunrise 2024-07-01 23:05:09 UTC / 2024-07-02 05:05:09 Local
Sunset 2024-07-02 15:18:32 UTC / 2024-07-02 21:18:32 Local
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ID Width Length Bearing (true/mag) Surface Threshold Overrun Markings Lighting
05 197 ft / 60 m 11,793 ft / 3,594 m 58.31° / 49.28° CONCRETE 0 ft / 0 m 384 ft / 117 m PREC-APP EDGE THRESHOLD ALSF-II
23 197 ft / 60 m 11,793 ft / 3,594 m 238.34° / 229.32° CONCRETE 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m PREC-APP EDGE THRESHOLD ALSF-II

Approach Navaids

Runway Type Ident Frequency Range Bearing (true/mag) Slope Elevation
05 GS IRG 109.90 MHz 10 nm / 19 km 58.33° / 49.30° 3.00° 1,767 ft / 539 m (AMSL)
05 OM OM - - 58.33° / 49.30° - 1,765 ft / 538 m (AMSL)
05 MM MM - - 58.33° / 49.30° - 1,765 ft / 538 m (AMSL)
05 LOC-ILS IRG 109.90 MHz 18 nm / 33 km 58.33° / 49.30° - 1,767 ft / 539 m (AMSL)
23 LOC-ILS IKA 111.70 MHz 18 nm / 33 km 238.33° / 229.30° - 1,767 ft / 539 m (AMSL)
23 GS IKA 111.70 MHz 10 nm / 19 km 238.33° / 229.30° 3.00° 1,767 ft / 539 m (AMSL)
23 OM OM - - 238.33° / 229.30° - 1,765 ft / 538 m (AMSL)
23 MM MM - - 238.33° / 229.30° - 1,765 ft / 538 m (AMSL)



0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35+ Temperature / °C

Clouds and Precipitation
Forecast for 2024-04-15 18:00 UTC. Updated 3 months ago

Ground ~20,000 ft ~40,000 ft Winds


UAKK 021600Z 24003MPS 9999 SCT049 14/10 Q1001 NOSIG RMK QFE705/0940


TAF UAKK 021101Z 0212/0312 23004MPS 9999 SCT030 BKN080 TX22/0309Z TN12/0224Z TEMPO 0212/0216 27005G10MPS 5000 -TSRA BKN030CB TEMPO 0216/0302 27005MPS 3100 -SHRA BR SCT011 BKN030CB BECMG 0302/0304 27006MPS SCT030CB TEMPO 0302/0312 27013MPS 3100 -TSRA SCT011 BKN020CB


Recorded 135.80 MHz ATIS
Recorded 127.80 MHz ATIS
Tower 122.00 MHz Karaganda Tower
Warning: Do not use this data for real-world aviation or navigation. No guarantee of current accuracy is given.