Name Ribeirao Preto
Region Brazil
Timezone America/Sao_Paulo (UTC-2.0)
Plans Departing 598
Arriving 564
Stats Elevation 1,804 ft / 550 m (AMSL)
Location -21.134100° -47.774100°
Runways 1
Magnetic Variation 22.089° W
Sunrise 2024-12-23 08:29:05 UTC / 2024-12-23 06:29:05 Local
Sunset 2024-12-23 21:54:08 UTC / 2024-12-23 19:54:08 Local
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ID Width Length Bearing (true/mag) Surface Threshold Overrun Markings Lighting
18 148 ft / 45 m 6,896 ft / 2,102 m 163.36° / 185.45° ASPHALT 656 ft / 200 m 0 ft / 0 m PREC-APP EDGE THRESHOLD REIL-OMNI
36 148 ft / 45 m 6,896 ft / 2,102 m 343.36° / 5.45° ASPHALT 322 ft / 98 m 0 ft / 0 m PREC-APP EDGE THRESHOLD REIL-OMNI



0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35+ Temperature / °C

Clouds and Precipitation
Forecast for 2024-12-23 18:00 UTC. Updated 3 hours ago

Ground ~20,000 ft ~40,000 ft Winds


SBRP 231800Z 24003KT 9999 SCT030 31/18 Q1011


TAF SBRP 231600Z 2318/2406 33005KT 9999 SCT035 FEW040TCU TX30/2318Z TN21/2405Z PROB30 TEMPO 2318/2324 21015KT TS BKN020 FEW030CB BECMG 2400/2402 16008KT FEW025 RMK PGQ


Tower 118.00 MHz Ribeirao Preto Tower
Approach 119.55 MHz Academia Approach
Approach 119.75 MHz Academia Approach
Approach 122.40 MHz Academia Approach
Approach 120.10 MHz Academia Approach
Unicom 118.00 MHz Ribeirao Preto Unicom
Recorded 127.42 MHz Ribeirao Preto ATIS
Ground 121.60 MHz Ribeirao Preto Ground
Warning: Do not use this data for real-world aviation or navigation. No guarantee of current accuracy is given.