Stats | Elevation | 324 ft / 99 m (AMSL) |
Location | 31.545100° -93.487700° | |
Runways | 2 | |
Magnetic Variation | 0.472° E | |
Sunrise | 2024-12-19 13:09:53 UTC / 2024-12-19 07:09:53 Local | |
Sunset | 2024-12-19 23:15:19 UTC / 2024-12-19 17:15:19 Local |
ID | Width | Length | Bearing (true/mag) | Surface | Threshold | Overrun | Markings | Lighting |
01 | 75 ft / 23 m | 1,826 ft / 557 m | 23.65° / 23.18° | GRASS | 0 ft / 0 m | 0 ft / 0 m | VISUAL | |
12 | 75 ft / 23 m | 3,999 ft / 1,219 m | 121.10° / 120.63° | ASPHALT | 0 ft / 0 m | 0 ft / 0 m | APP | EDGE THRESHOLD REIL-OMNI |
19 | 75 ft / 23 m | 1,826 ft / 557 m | 203.66° / 203.18° | GRASS | 0 ft / 0 m | 0 ft / 0 m | VISUAL | |
30 | 75 ft / 23 m | 3,999 ft / 1,219 m | 301.10° / 300.63° | ASPHALT | 0 ft / 0 m | 0 ft / 0 m | APP | EDGE THRESHOLD |
Temperature / °C
Clouds and Precipitation
Forecast for 2024-12-19 06:00 UTC. Updated 6 hours ago
Not found
Not found
Approach | 123.70 MHz | POLK APP/DEP |
Unicom | 122.80 MHz | CTAF/UNICOM |
: Do not use this data for real-world aviation or navigation. No guarantee of current accuracy is given.