Details From KBOS - General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport
To EGLL - London Heathrow
Flight Number -
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Stats Distance 2,855 nm / 5,288 km
Max Altitude 39,000 ft / 11,887 m
Waypoints 22
Social Downloads 0
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Using NAT tracks from 13/3/2019 Basic altitude profile: - Ascent Rate: 2500ft/min - Ascent Speed: 250kts - Cruise Altitude: 39000ft - Cruise Speed: 420kts - Descent Rate: 1500ft/min - Descent Speed: 250kts Options: - Use NATs: yes - Use PACOTS: no - Use low airways: yes - Use high airways: yes


KBOS CANAL J575 TUSKY N201B NICSO X XETBO 5200N0-1300W 5200N0-1200W 5200N0-1100W 5200N0-1000W 5200N0-900W CRK P2 BANBA UP2 STU UL9 DIKAS EGLL

ID Type Via Altitude (ft/m) Position (lat/lon) Dist (leg/tot) Name
O KBOS APT - 0 / 0 42.36300 / -71.00680 - / 0 nm General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport
CANAL FIX - 16,800 / 5,121 42.66900 / -70.02270 47 / 47 nm
TUSKY FIX J575 (AWY-HI) 39,000 / 11,887 43.56500 / -67.00000 143 / 190 nm
NICSO FIX N201B (AWY-HI) 39,000 / 11,887 47.50000 / -52.00000 672 / 862 nm
48/50 LATLON X (NAT) 39,000 / 11,887 48.00000 / -50.00000 86 / 948 nm
50/40 LATLON X (NAT) 39,000 / 11,887 50.00000 / -40.00000 411 / 1360 nm
52/30 LATLON X (NAT) 39,000 / 11,887 52.00000 / -30.00000 396 / 1756 nm
52/20 LATLON X (NAT) 39,000 / 11,887 52.00000 / -20.00000 369 / 2126 nm
LIMRI FIX X (NAT) 39,000 / 11,887 52.00000 / -15.00000 184 / 2311 nm
XETBO FIX X (NAT) 39,000 / 11,887 52.00000 / -14.00000 36 / 2347 nm
5200N0-1300W LATLON - 39,000 / 11,887 52.00000 / -13.00000 36 / 2384 nm
5200N0-1200W LATLON - 39,000 / 11,887 52.00000 / -12.00000 36 / 2421 nm
5200N0-1100W LATLON - 39,000 / 11,887 52.00000 / -11.00000 36 / 2458 nm
5200N0-1000W LATLON - 39,000 / 11,887 52.00000 / -10.00000 36 / 2495 nm
5200N0-900W LATLON - 39,000 / 11,887 52.00000 / -9.00000 36 / 2532 nm
CRK VOR - 39,000 / 11,887 51.84060 / -8.49427 21 / 2553 nm CORK
VAPAL FIX P2 (AWY-LO) 39,000 / 11,887 51.87860 / -7.82175 25 / 2578 nm
NEXAT FIX P2 (AWY-LO) 39,000 / 11,887 51.93890 / -6.57556 46 / 2625 nm
BANBA FIX P2 (AWY-LO) 39,000 / 11,887 51.95280 / -6.23917 12 / 2637 nm
STU VOR UP2 (AWY-HI) 37,100 / 11,308 51.99470 / -5.04019 44 / 2682 nm STRUMBLE
DIKAS FIX UL9 (AWY-HI) 22,600 / 6,888 51.77690 / -3.25917 67 / 2749 nm
O EGLL APT - 0 / 0 51.47120 / -0.46088 105 / 2855 nm London Heathrow

Altitude Profile

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0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35+ Temperature / °C

Clouds and Precipitation

Ground ~20,000 ft ~40,000 ft Winds